
Vaginal Discharge Causes in Chinese MedicineYang Deficiency Topical Remedy

Vaginal discharge, or leukorrhea, generally presents with pathogenic Internal Dampness according to traditional Chinese medicine (TCM); however, the Dampness and drainage can present differently depending on the bodily imbalances that present in each individual. Addressing leukorrhea correctly is vital in resolving the issue; this is why no one herbal formula is going to be a cure-all for women suffering with chronic vaginal discharge. For best outcomes using self-care, combine associated Acupressure Sticks™ to acu-points, topical remedies, and good lifestyle practices.

Related Article: Candida and Yeast Overgrowth

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Acupressure for Leukorrhea

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Constitution Imbalances Causing Vaginal Discharge in Chinese Medicine

Spleen Qi Deficiency Causing Leukorrhea

Because the Spleen energetic organ system of TCM is in charge of utilizing fluids correctly in the body, Spleen Deficiency is the most common pattern of imbalance with leukorrhea with profuse white or chronic clear fluid vaginal discharge. Because the “root” cause of this condition at the organ level, it takes many months to reverse the actual underlying cause. While there are astringing and drying herbs that may bring temporary relief, however, resolving Spleen Qi Deficiency is the only way to experience prolonged relief from vaginal discharge. 

Kidney Yang Deficiency and LeukorrheaYang Deficiency Topical Remedy

When Kidney Yang is deficient, the body will be Cold and excessive Dampness will accumulate in the body. Indications of vaginal discharge due to an underlying Kidney Yang Deficiency would likely include achy lower back pain, aversion to cold, and profuse watery discharges. 

Damp-Cold and Leukorrhea

Damp-Cold can be the result of both Kidney Deficiency and Spleen Qi Deficiency. The resulting vaginal discharge would appear white, chunky, and would have a fishy smell. 

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Damp-Heat and Leukorrhea

Because Dampness creates Qi congestion in the body, it will eventually begin to heat up if not resolved within a few months’ time. It follows the theory of Yin and Yang that hot and cold conditions are never stagnant, and always transforming in to one another. The same is true for hot conditions, as a fire cannot burn indefinitely and will eventually burn out and turn to cold. With Damp-Heat the vaginal discharge would be yellow, and may have a very strong odor.

Liver Damp-Heat and Vaginal Discharge

Liver Damp-Heat is common with leukorrhea as the Liver can easily become congested with emotional stresses. Liver Qi Stagnation can give rise to Heat, and the Heat can give rise to Internal-Wind indicated by itching. The vaginal discharge would be yellow to green with underlying Liver imbalances, and there would be easy anger and frustration

Damp-Phlegm and Leukorrhea

If Damp-Heat is not resolved in a timely manner, the Damp fluids will begin to thicken. When this occurs, the condition becomes more difficult to treat and the course of herbs will likely require 6 months or more of application. 

Toxic Heat and Vaginal Discharge

This is a much more serious condition often associated with menopause and may present with yellow or red discharge and white puss. This is not a condition for consideration with a self-treatment modality, and a professional health care provider should be contacted.

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Zemouri, C., Wi, T. E., Kiarie, J., Seuc, A., Mogasale, V., Latif, A., & Broutet, N. (2016). The Performance of the Vaginal Discharge Syndromic Management in Treating Vaginal and Cervical Infection: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. PloS one11(10), e0163365. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0163365

Badgujar, S. B., Patel, V. V., & Bandivdekar, A. H. (2014). Foeniculum vulgare Mill: a review of its botany, phytochemistry, pharmacology, contemporary application, and toxicology. BioMed research international2014, 842674. https://doi.org/10.1155/2014/842674

Dehdari, S., & Hajimehdipoor, H. (2016). Herbal Medicines for Leucorrhea According to Iranian Traditional Medicine. Iranian journal of medical sciences41(3 Suppl), S36.

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