
Lemongrass Essential Oil in Chinese Medicine

Common Name: Lemongrass
Botanical Name: Cymbopogon citratus
Pin Yin Name: Níngméng cǎo

Main Acupressure Channels Activated by Lemongrass Essential Oil:essential oils for acupressure

herb leaves

Benefits of Lemongrass Essential Oil in Chinese Medicine

The use of lemongrass essential oil therapeutic applications have long been employed inLatent lurking long pathogen remedy Ayurvedic medicine. It is a prized remedy for its’ ability to Expel “Exterior Wind-Heat” and reduce fevers at both the “Shaoyang” and “Yanming” stages of viral infections; it is sometimes referred to as fever grass by inhabitants of the Caribbean islands. In addition to its’ anti-viral and anti-infectant properties, lemongrass is antispasmodic, soothing muscle tension and cramping.

Lemongrass removes lymphatic congestion and clears inflammation and toxins in the body; it is excellent at treating Gu Syndromes by pushing out latent pathogens. Topically, it is used for fungal infections and bacterial infections. Lemongrass is also prized for its harmonizing effect on emotions and the nervous system helping those stuck in a “fight or flight” autonomic sympathetic nervous system loop.

Lemongrass essential oils is typically used as part of a more complex essential oils remedy rather than as a single (by itself).

Properties: Cool, pungent, bitter, astringing, Yin (moisturizing)
Nature: Dispersing, uplifting, relaxing, transforming, renewing, circulating, clarifying, expanding, reviving, harmonizing, purifying

herb leaves

Imbalances Treated with Lemongrass Essential Oil in Chinese Medicine

According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, each energetic organ system is assigned to one of the Five Elements. Each element has both physical and emotional symptoms that would indicate imbalances in one or more of the related organ systems Learn more here!

Water Element Energetic Organ Systems: Kidney, Urinary Bladdergout foot pain soak with essential oils

Wood Element Energetic Organ Systems: Liver, Gallbladder

Fire Element Energetic Organ Systems: Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium, San Jiao

Earth Element Energetic Organ Systems: Spleen, Stomach

Metal Element Energetic Organ Systems: Lung, Large Intestine

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Plant description: the non-hardy perennial grass grows vigorously in warm and tropical climates. It can be cultivated from seed or plant division; it can even be started from a fresh stalk bought at a Chinese market that still has a bit of a stem at the base by simply sticking the stalk in moist potting soil. The main regions of commercial production are Indonesia, Sri Lanka, India, Madagascar, and South Africa.

Part used: Leaves
Note: Top citrus notes with rich grassy medium notes

Safety and Contraindications

  • No known cumulative toxicity used topically
  • Dilute to 6% so not to irritate the skin
  • Recommendations for topical use only
  • Pregnant or nursing women and children-infants should only use essential oils under the guidance of their local practitioner


herb leaves


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Sahal G, Woerdenbag HJ, Hinrichs WLJ, Visser A, Tepper PG, Quax WJ, van der Mei HC, Bilkay IS. Antifungal and biofilm inhibitory effect of Cymbopogon citratus (lemongrass) essential oil on biofilm forming by Candida tropicalis isolates; an in vitro study. J Ethnopharmacol. 2020 Jan 10;246:112188. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2019.112188. Epub 2019 Aug 27. PMID: 31470085.

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Syed M, Khalid MR, Chaudhary FM. Essential oils of Graminae family having antibacterial activity Part 1. (Cymbopogon citrates, C.martinii and C.jawarancusa oils. Pak J Sci Ind Res. 1990;33:529–31.

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